Go Beneath The Surface

In-Depth Specialized Market Insights

CultrDig Specializes in People
Why do we say one thing and do another? What drives our actions? How do we make our decisions? Where do we get our knowledge? What influences us? When do we make changes? How do we think? Who do we identify with? When it comes to a specialized market, CultrDig is endlessly fascinated with what makes peaple tick in that niche. Our qualitative research will deliver everuthing you need to know about the unique culture of your specialized market.

All Answers Questioned
We take nothing at face value. Instead we deeply probe down into answers to discover what’s hidden underneath. Sounds easy enough, but asking the right questions is harder than you might think. Are they framed correctly? Are they being asked in the right order? What about the wording? Specialized niche markets live in a very small box. Spot on answers are crucial.

Right Approach. Right Methodology.
Uncovering rich insights comes from using right approach and methodology. Who should participate in your study? How do you recruit the specialized participants for the unique focus of a niche business? What’s the best way to find out what you need to know? Is there an opportunity to use a creative method for discovering new terrain in a niche market? Is one way better than another to drill down into uncharted territory? Niche business answers require niche thinking for the best approach and methodology.

We’re At The Ready!
Whether it’s an entire project or just a part of it, Cultrdig can help you at every step of your niche research needs. Want to. learn more about how you can make smart decisions in a niche market? Give us a call or or shoot us an email and uncover what CultDig can do for you!

Let’s chat how about how CultrDig can help you find niche market insight treasure in whatever capacity you need! Just email hello@cultrdig or call 646-321-5612.